The Dashavatara, which translates to “ten avatars,” symbolize the ten primary incarnations of Lord Vishnu, a central deity in Hinduism. Vishnu is believed to descend in the form of an avatar whenever cosmic order is disrupted. This divine story set revolves around the portrayal of Lord Vishnu’s ten different avatars, namely Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, Balarama, and Kalki.
Breeze Handicrafts offers two different sizes of Dashavatar sets, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your Golu display.
Golu is a beloved tradition in South India, especially during the autumn festive season and the multiday Navaratri festival of Hinduism. Known by various names like Kolu, Gombe Habba, BommaiKolu, or BommalaKoluvu, it involves the vibrant display of dolls and figurines, each with its unique story to tell. Traditionally crafted by rural artisans using clay and wood, these figurines are now also created using papier mache, which allows for intricate detailing and vibrant colors. They are typically arranged in an odd number of tiers to create a captivating narrative.
Navratri Golu dolls are a significant part of the celebration, and the display often includes Tanjore dancing dolls, Ramar sets, Perumal sets, Kalyana sets, Andal, Lord Muruga, Ashtalakshmi sets, Chettiar thathapatti, Chettiar grandma grandpa sets, Raja rani sets, Dasavatharam sets, Goddess Durga, and many more. This diverse collection captures the essence of tradition, artistry, and spirituality.
You can conveniently acquire these exquisite Golu dolls, including the HANDMADE Dashavatar set, online through Amazon from our Breeze Handicrafts store. Celebrate the rich heritage and cultural significance of Navratri Golu dolls with our exceptional collection.
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